Trust Vote!!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

First thanks to star of blogging, king of net, the one and onli incomparable Deepak my friend who invited me to write in his blog and m very happy to accept his invitation and write in his blog..... Also thanks to him for accepting my suggestion of writing anything thats worth reading.....

The ruling United Progressive Alliance government comfortably sailed through on Tuesday the trust vote moved by the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, in the Lok Sabha seeking confidence in his Government. The Congress-led alliance was able to muster 275 votes in its favour as against the 256 of the combined Opposition – the margin being way above the photo-finish that was being projected almost right till the end of the two-day long debate. There were 10 others – of the total 541 eligible to vote (minus the Speaker and a disqualified member) – who either abstained or absented themselves. Dr Singh’s Government now looks all set to complete its full term till the next general elections due in April. Whether this breather would bring economic reforms back on the agenda – as India Inc is hoping for – or induce a fresh round of pre-electoral populism remains to be seen.


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