
Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hi, so this isn't deepak if you're wondering...but his 14 yr old neice...i know i kinda weirded out as well when i found out...anyhoo(hes a great dude so dont worry about that)...i'm visiting from the maybe i could blog about the coffee and stuff there? sure let me get started

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so basically there are tons of coffee shops...i have a guess as to why..i mean the silicon valley(fyi i live in cali) so lots of people wake up early and drink coffee...the best coffee(i think..but i biased and i don't drink coffee...i drink fraps and wat not...but my mom drinks coffee and every other adult that i know of does too and loves this place) is STARBUCKS!!!!!!

it's the best coffee place because it serves a variety of coffees from coffee beans all over the world, it serves tea from different tea leaves, it serves variations of the coffee(latte, cappa, frap, ect), and it serves children drinks. every season, new drinks are added and the christmas specials are always a nice thing to drink while sitting down in their wonderfully ambient shop.

the baristas love to talk. they talk about everything from music to politics...they really give you a cheerful boost, plus if you want to have a special coffee made your way, they will do all they can to make the coffee to your taste.

the ambience of the shop is really nice. imagine, its a cold and windy day outside with no sign of the sun. you are wearing your warm fleece jacket, but your entire face in numb, so you walk into a local Starbucks. you ask for a cup of coffee(let's go with what my mom and dad like) mistro(meaning a coffee without the froth on top) 180(the coffee is heated that much and then its chilled a little so its a nice temp) and you get a double shot latte (double shot meaning extra decaf and so its stronger) so you pick up your two coffees and sit at the table by the window and you sit down and take a sip of the coffee(mistro) and smile as your entire face heats up as the hot drink flows through your system, defrosting any numbness. then you take a sip of the latte and sigh as your body wakes up at the sudden burst of caffine....bliss........................

ahhh a nice picture...why do i like fraps..if its hot or cold i would drink a frap. though a frap(a flavor blended with ice and coffee[sometimes not coffee] and topped with whipped cream and some caramel or choco or strawberry drizzling..its really good) may be cold...since the shop itself is warm and i usually get like a biscoti(a type of cookie suited for coffee) which is really warm...i don't mind the chill.

Starbucks doesn't just sell coffee...but it sells all sorts of pastries like cheesecake and brownies, scones, coffee cakes, cookies, chocolate, mints, fudges, and a variety of croissants and sandwhiches. with the variety of drinks(not only hot but cold) and the variety of foods to eat, it sure makes sense that this is the place to go if anything is needed. at any local gorcery store, they sell coffee powder...well they sell Starbucks coffee powder there too!

it is quite amazing how one small little coffee shop has so much to offer and is a chain all across the US and throughout the world...sadly with the fact that so many are opened in many places(just on a street near mine there are two!) many have to be closed is a sad thing indeed..

with a multi-billion dollar corporation, there has to be some stock thing involved, so to improve the company and make some money while drinking your wonderful cup of Starbucks coffee, you can buy some stocks(i have and made some money out of it :D)

oh and also...Starbucks is not just an outside coffee shop. it is a drive through also and can be found in many of the wonderful bookstores and malls throughout the country...especially a bookstore called barnes and noble..which is another story for another time.

phew...that's a lot of information about Starbucks...i hope to post more soon about another coffee shop called coffee society which is near the library...good area huh? for bookworms like me ^^

a few clips of the coffees i mentioned

hope you loved that little tidbit of coffee in america

signing off in 3....2....1...


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