
Friday, June 27, 2008

At the outset, I would like to thank the only reader of my blog, my friend,dhilip.

OK,..Exactly a month ago i stepped into my first job.It was just such a numb feeling When i got the offer letter.I dint know for what reason i joined there and dint know why i left now.Ya, you are right i quit my job today .Here we go , my first job and my first resignation .You know what, the first fifteen days was really awesome . I never thought that the next fifteen days will drain me out so much that now i hardly seem to respond even my parents shout at their top of their voice.

The first day infact, the first night was sleepy to the core.But,after that I got used to it.Imagine in the wee hours in the morning around 3 am Grabbing a podi onion dosai .Ya,this is what i did on the sixth day which i thought was foolishness on the first day.Now i started disliking all the food items which i liked the most.

I hope i'll get back into my regular habits now.I seriously dint expect that someone will teach about DDRRAM's and SDRAM's at 2 in the morning and ask us assemble a laptop in those wee hours.Had it been in the morning or may be in the evening ..it would have been damn good.

Anyways,past is past, enough of boring you people with my doings.So,let us have a filmy look on our daily life..(this is what i'm supposed to be blogging)..

The other day i was waiting for my cab near the graveyard.It was around 11 in the night.Hey,this is not anything scary or boring , dont worry.It was surrounded by drunken men and drug addicts who consume heroin sitting on top of the grave.I was just wondering what on earth was making them to do this.Does anyone in this world gets stressed out so much that he cant live without consuming those shit.If that is to be believed ambani should have been a drug addict par imagination or for that that matter our PM must have been an hardcore drug addict for the pace at which inflation is soaring.So, please if anyone who consume drugs directly stop that !!!

I'm not here to send social messages dudes and dudettes....lol...stop taking those shits directly instead drink coffee thrice or four times a day..It has caffeine in it...The word caffeine can induce drug addicts towards coffee..Just keep it hot!...die slowly rather than dying instantly!


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karthik said...

nice one mate... carry on like this...

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