
Monday, June 30, 2008

It has jus been few days since this blog has come into existence and already it has made a mark in each your minds.

AS per the Google ..
Chk out for urself how well our blog is doing!!

The graph is exponentially increasing...!!!
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Ahem..so for those who've been overwhelmed by the date tips, i've to confee to you all that this is not from me. I can even provide the direct source from which i've lifted it...I just did to grab your interests to this site.;).
this is the real sitE!

I guess i've done that quite convincingly...

Atlast!!...I'm elated to welcome..our new authors Dhilip and Karthik hariharan to CwD..keep blogging and keep brewing ...

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My Cup of Coffee ;-)

Well well when i hear the blog title "Coffee with Deepak" just one incident comes to my mind. Let me spell it out here... It was my 20th birrthday 25th june 2007... i invited a few of my friends for lunch at a nearby hotel.. It was a B'day treat..the treat went on well and after i reached home and checked the presents people gave me i was shocked..three out of the 5 presents were coffee cups.. phew.. and one of the which i use at present was gifted by Deepak.. and the Cup is displayed right left to you ;)

Well i also had a recent experience that had to do with a lot of caffeine.. It was during this b'day..man-o - man coffee plays a very important role in all my birthdays.. With a very few of my friends i went to have dinner @ ascendas and to my luck it was pouring down heavily and my throat was dominated by some flu virus.. and i wanted to gallop some hot stuffs so that it may act as an anodyne to my throat..and unfortunately none of the shops in the food court had any super hot stuffs that would do good to me..So finally i ordered a cup of tea from McDonald's ..weird rite... McDonald's and burgers is what u normally associate with.. then the hot filter coffee of a south indian restaurant caught my eyes and soon i was there sipping the smoking kapi... well as if this wasn't enough i wanted to end my day with another coffee ( people usually end the treat with desserts i guess)..anyways i walked in to qwicky's cafe and ordered an hot italian blah blah...all i knew was it was some hot coffee... and that too went inside me... so it was how i spent two previous b'days closely associated with coffee... I hope you would definitely not find any of the above useful ...but just wanna share my xperience tats it...and hey the pics are the ones that i took @ ascendas..i mean those cup of coffee............ :)

3rd day in blogging!!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

You are in the right blog to know why coffee is that special drink which makes u feel you are on a date with your special him/her.

Alright lets get down to business,

You’ve recently met a person, decided that they are worth a little bit more of your time to get to know a little better, so what do you do? What is it you suggest for your first meeting (not a date yet!)
There can be no better way than a carefully planned coffee date.
Your coffee date should be for the mid-late afternoon, an hour or so after lunch, or early evening an hour or so before dinner time. The essentials being that the coffee date takes place in daylight hours and is set for 20 to 30 minutes, no longer.You appearance should be dressy casual, a nice shirt/sweater, maybe clean jeans (new-ish not tattered) or khaki pants. No 2 piece suits for the man, no dresses or skirts for the ladies, you want to be comfortable, remember, it’s just coffee, right?Prepare yourself for a long 20 minutes of chit chat and asking/answering questions. Preparation includes deciding what to ask and how you’d answer the same. Don’t worry about saying things like “Isn’t that a third date question?” instead of feeling that you need to answer everything. Try to keep the questions open ended and the other person talking. Surprisingly enough, people do like to talk about themselves more that hearing about others and you’ll easily come off a winner by letting the other person talk. Of course, this could backfire if they are “boorish” and have a self-importance personality that was not previously displayed, but at least you’ll know more about the person and it’s only 20 minutes out of your life rather than an entire evening (or heaven help us, a lifetime!)
Keep away from talking about religion, politics and environmental issues. Stick to a plan of current events, parental upbringing topics and growing up remembrances as safe topics of conversation. Be sure to read today’s newspaper to have some material to fall back on if there happens to be any silent periods or lulls in the steady flow of your conversation.Questions to get to know someone on a coffee date, such as these, are a great starting point for your conversation:
1. What would you say had the biggest influence on you when you were growing up?
2. Did both of your parents work?
3. Where did (do) you spend your summers?
4. Did you ever (do you) have pets?
5. Do you watch any TV shows regularly?
6. What’s the last movie you went out to see?
7. What type of music would I find in your CD player?
8. What’s the last book you read (or who is your favorite author)?
9. What would be your dream career?
10. What is the most modern piece of technology you own?

These open ended questions will allow for a variety of follow-up questions that will show themselves to you as your meeting continues. You will discover their personality, their worldliness and drive for possessions and travel. Any of these can be good or bad traits, depending on what you find desirable in a person.When your designated time to end the coffee date nears it is safe to either state that you really don’t have much in common, but thanks for having coffee with me, or to plan a next meeting/date in a couple of days.Your coffee date should have this type of definite end to it so there are no hard feelings and uncomfortable confrontations later.Under no circumstances should you go beyond the time you allowed for this date.Be sure that any family/friends you told about this date are notified when it ends and told how things worked out. Never go to a first date without telling someone and planning a “safe call” when it is over. Your “safe call” can be them calling you to make sure you are OK, or you calling them to say the date is over and you are going home or returning to work, whatever. This is extremely important.Meeting someone and getting to know them are two different and distinct stages of any relationship.


Friday, June 27, 2008

At the outset, I would like to thank the only reader of my blog, my friend,dhilip.

OK,..Exactly a month ago i stepped into my first job.It was just such a numb feeling When i got the offer letter.I dint know for what reason i joined there and dint know why i left now.Ya, you are right i quit my job today .Here we go , my first job and my first resignation .You know what, the first fifteen days was really awesome . I never thought that the next fifteen days will drain me out so much that now i hardly seem to respond even my parents shout at their top of their voice.

The first day infact, the first night was sleepy to the core.But,after that I got used to it.Imagine in the wee hours in the morning around 3 am Grabbing a podi onion dosai .Ya,this is what i did on the sixth day which i thought was foolishness on the first day.Now i started disliking all the food items which i liked the most.

I hope i'll get back into my regular habits now.I seriously dint expect that someone will teach about DDRRAM's and SDRAM's at 2 in the morning and ask us assemble a laptop in those wee hours.Had it been in the morning or may be in the evening ..it would have been damn good.

Anyways,past is past, enough of boring you people with my doings.So,let us have a filmy look on our daily life..(this is what i'm supposed to be blogging)..

The other day i was waiting for my cab near the graveyard.It was around 11 in the night.Hey,this is not anything scary or boring , dont worry.It was surrounded by drunken men and drug addicts who consume heroin sitting on top of the grave.I was just wondering what on earth was making them to do this.Does anyone in this world gets stressed out so much that he cant live without consuming those shit.If that is to be believed ambani should have been a drug addict par imagination or for that that matter our PM must have been an hardcore drug addict for the pace at which inflation is soaring.So, please if anyone who consume drugs directly stop that !!!

I'm not here to send social messages dudes and dudettes....lol...stop taking those shits directly instead drink coffee thrice or four times a day..It has caffeine in it...The word caffeine can induce drug addicts towards coffee..Just keep it hot!...die slowly rather than dying instantly!


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My first blog...n your first sip of coffee with me...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Here we go...
I've always wanted to start a blog with varied topics in it ,just to see how well it reaches you people.Atlast, i decided to start blogging with the more catchy and more filmy blog title...Coffee with deepak...Here,you'll definitely find filmy view of our day-to-day life.
I've always wondered why people blog..Even now i wonder about that . But maybe as days roll by we'll get the real taste of life...For now sit back and relax and have a cup of coffee as you see the picture of the actress i hate the most .

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